Meet Inessa - Between diapers and managing a team

Barbara Martens
8 min read –
September 9, 2023

We managed to get Inessa, our marketing team lead and freshly baked mother, into this podcast episode to talk about the knacks and life of being a mum and a leader at the same time. How to juggle so many balls at the same time? What influenced her on her decisions regarding parental leave? All those questions were discussed in this episode, so put in your earplugs while doing the baby's laundry and listen in.

About Episode #22 - This is to all the working mums out there! Around International Women's Day, we want to give the stage to women and talk about topics (almost) only they have in their career and life. And what's a better, yet also quite unpopular topic than motherhood and career? For this, we managed to get Inessa, our marketing team lead and freshly baked mother, into this podcast episode to talk about the knacks and life of being a mum and a leader at the same time. How to juggle so many balls at the same time? What influenced her on her decisions regarding parental leave? What is she struggling with now? What kind of support did she get? All those questions were discussed in this episode, so put in your earplugs while doing the baby's laundry and listen in.

>>> Listen to the Spotify Podcast.

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